Do not be fooled into thinking that advertising is all powerful. Since every human action is governed by some sort of psychological program, advertising almost always has to interrupt one in order to be effective. […]
Class notes for Intro to Marketing: Copywriting, Irony, Paraellelism, and Reversal. Examples from assigned reading. George Felton, Advertising Concept and Copy. […]
As powerful and pervasive as advertising seems to be, it really isn’t a matter of “executing a Jedi mind trick on the sheep to separate them from their cash”.
When all is said and done, the consumer will either accept or reject the product on the basis of their experience with it. However, the messages that they receive from advertising will likely affect how the consumer expects that experience to go. […]
One way to understand how advertising functions is to look at its Social Utility. These are the benefits that advertising is supposed to provide society: Advertising encourages people to act in their self-interest While we would like to think that people would rely on their self-preservation instincts, reality seems to say otherwise. People smoke, drink, […]