Important Safety Tip:
While your designer does, in fact have an iPhone for the express purpose of maximizing accessibility at all points throughout the project, this device does not guarantee 24/7/365 unfettered access.
Even though many projects will require working well outside the bounds of the M-F/9-5 work week, it’s not realistic to assume that every hour of every day is a working hour.
Think carefully – do you really want all hours to be billable?
Close your eyes for a second. Now imagine opening that invoice…
If you have not had a stroke or heart attack at the thought of paying market rate for 168 hours in a week, please refer to the following sample list of acceptable reasons for NOT immediately answering a call / text / email / etc.
#10 I’m asleep
#09 I’m eating
#08 I’m hiking in a beautiful canyon
#07 I’m walking along a beautiful beach
#06 I’m driving my vintage sports car down PCH
#05 I’m giving my undivided attention someone else
#04 I’m administrating a university department
#03 I’m teaching a university class
#02 I’m actually working on your project
#01 I’m a single dad
Keep in mind, other designers’ lists will vary, but the concept is the important part here.
In my own case, rest assured that I listen to the voice mail and I read the texts / emails / FB posts and can usually reply within 24 hours. If I have not responded within 72 hours, then you may feel free to be ticked.
Check with other professionals about their policies.
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